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ASPI suggests

Posted By on October 15, 2012 @ 09:48

Here’s our regular round-up of articles and analyses on the latest developments in strategy, defence and international security as well as upcoming events.

First for today is Rohan Gunaratna at RSIS whose latest commentary looks how global developments drive terrorism in Southeast Asia [1] (PDF) and how these developments affect groups like Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid (JAT) in Indonesia.

Next, for Strategist readers following the proposed BAE Systems-EADS merger, RUSI’s (UK) John Louth looks at why the deal collapsed [2] and concludes, as a consequence, ‘Europe as a defence idea seems profoundly diminished’.

Turning now to international security, South Korea and the United States have recently announced a relaxing of the bilateral ‘guidelines’ limiting the range and payload of South Korean missiles. Jeffrey Lewis over at Arm Controls Wonk blog challenges four explanations offered for why South Korea is now safer [3].

Last week the International Crisis Group released a report on the 2014 transition in Afghanistan [4]. Afghanistan Analyst Network’s Martine van Bijlert provides some context for the ‘fairly unified’ public backlash led by the Afghan government against the ICG report [5].

In terms of events, AIIA has two upcoming talks on Indonesia. The first is this Wednesday 17 October at their Sydney branch on preparing for a post-SBY Indonesia [6] with Greg Fealy. The other will be held next in Brisbane Tuesday 23 October on the impact of Indonesia’s democratisation on relations with Australia and the Asia Pacific [7] with Colin Brown.

Next week, as part of the National Security Institute’s monthly lecture series, Army Chief Lieutenant General David Morrison will present his views on national security, Friday 26 October at 12.30pm [8], University of Canberra.

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URLs in this post:

[1] global developments drive terrorism in Southeast Asia: http://www.rsis.edu.sg/publications/Perspective/RSIS1912012.pdf

[2] RUSI’s (UK) John Louth looks at why the deal collapsed: http://www.rusi.org/analysis/commentary/ref:C5076BBF4D17F2/#.UHs_4W_qm8x

[3] Jeffrey Lewis over at Arm Controls Wonk blog challenges four explanations offered for why South Korea is now safer: http://lewis.armscontrolwonk.com/archive/5771/rok-missile-rationale-roulette

[4] International Crisis Group released a report on the 2014 transition in Afghanistan: http://www.crisisgroup.org/en/regions/asia/south-asia/afghanistan/236-afghanistan-the-long-hard-road-to-the-2014-transition.aspx

[5] context for the ‘fairly unified’ public backlash led by the Afghan government against the ICG report: http://aan-afghanistan.com/index.asp?id=3041

[6] Wednesday 17 October at their Sydney branch on preparing for a post-SBY Indonesia: http://www.aiia.asn.au/nsw-events/event/594-preparing-for-post-yudhoyono-indonesia

[7] Tuesday 23 October on the impact of Indonesia’s democratisation on relations with Australia and the Asia Pacific: http://www.aiia.asn.au/qld-events/event/587-the-democratisation-of-indonesia

[8] Army Chief Lieutenant General David Morrison will present his views on national security, Friday 26 October at 12.30pm: http://www.canberra.edu.au/centres/nsi/national-security-lectures2

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