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ASPI suggests

Posted By on November 6, 2012 @ 13:53

Here’s our weekly round-up of articles, reports and events in the strategy, defence and security world.

The latest issue of Foreign Affairs sports a Linda Robinson piece on the future of special operations [1]. Back in July, Robinson delivered a testimony [2] to the House Committee on Armed Services’ Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities on the same issue. In the testimony, she discusses a number of developments in special operations including the integration between SOF and conventional forces on the battlefield.

Moving onto Northeast Asian security issues, Ryo Sahashi has a nice piece [3] over at East Asia Forum asking ‘Is Japan making the most of the US pivot?’.

There’s a new East-West Center paper [4] (PDF) by Julie Chernov Hwang that looks at terrorism trends in Indonesia including the decline of salafi-jihadism and pathways to radicalisation.

On the hardware side of strategy, Andrew Erickson and Gabe Collins explore [5], in the Wall Street Journal, the implications of a second Chinese ‘stealth’ fighter being tested.

For military history buffs, the New York Times continues to work through the Civil War in real time (offset by a century and a half) in its wonderful Disunion series. Here’s the latest instalment [6].

For those interested in reading about the tactical and more human side of warfare, journalist Chris Masters has released a new book, Uncommon Soldier [7], which explores the modern Australian soldier. And speaking of Chris Masters, he’ll be up in Darwin on Tuesday 13 November talking about [8] Uncommon Soldier at the Northern Territory Library, Parliament House at 5.15pm.

If you haven’t already, Canberra readers can register [9] for a talk by Sam Roggeveen, editor of the Lowy Institute’s Interpreter, on ‘10 lessons from 5 years of political blogging’ at 5.30pm, Thursday 8 November at ANU’s Hedley Bull Centre.

Also at the Hedley Bull Centre, strategic studies scholar and Strategist contributor Professor Robert Ayson will launch [10] his new book on the international relations heavyweight Hedley Bull, Hedley Bull and the Accommodation of Power [11] from 5.30pm, Friday 9 November. Refreshments will be provided after the event, along with a chance to purchase his book.

Article printed from The Strategist: https://aspistrategist.ru

URL to article: /aspi-suggests-9/

URLs in this post:

[1] future of special operations: http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/138232/linda-robinson/the-future-of-special-operations

[2] testimony: http://armedservices.house.gov/index.cfm/files/serve?File_id=18aff57a-6bbf-4091-85d7-4cc80c64a5b6

[3] piece: http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2012/11/06/is-japan-making-the-most-of-the-us-pivot/

[4] East-West Center paper: http://www.eastwestcenter.org/sites/default/files/private/api104.pdf

[5] explore: http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2012/11/03/taking-off-implications-of-chinas-second-stealth-fighter-test-flight/

[6] latest instalment: http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/11/05/a-terminal-case-of-the-slows/?ref=opinion

[7] Uncommon Soldier: http://www.allenandunwin.com/default.aspx?page=94&book=9781741759716

[8] talking about: http://artsandmuseums.nt.gov.au/events/events/knowledge-and-history-event-34#.UJiFg2_qm8w

[9] register: http://10lessonspoliticalblogging.eventbrite.com/

[10] launch: http://billboard.anu.edu.au/event_view.asp?id=96374

[11] Hedley Bull and the Accommodation of Power: http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=545899

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