Articles by: "Andrew Davies"
Graph of the week: how ready do we need to be?

A few months back, Mark Thomson and I wrote about eight defence challenges for the incoming government. Some of them were obvious, such as getting the budget under control, managing the future submarine project and …

Challenges for Mr Rudd’s northern naval posture

In a speech at the Lowy Institute, the Prime Minister today announced that a re-elected government will … establish the Future Navy Taskforce that will provide advice to the Government on implementing these recommendations and …

The Anglosphere and the China Choice

Like many of our readers, I’ve been following the recent discussion of the nature of the Anglosphere with interest. It’s been a lively exchange—and a sometimes wry one—and it sheds some light on aspects of our …

Even more reflections on intelligence

I’ve had a number of conversations (both real and virtual) about intelligence oversight since I first wrote about it here a couple of weeks ago. In particular, Andrew Zammit’s response was a thoughtful piece on …

Welcome aboard, Minister

With the news that we’re about to get another new Defence Minister, we thought we’d provide our thoughts on what the executive summary of an incoming brief should look like. We’re tempted to copy the …