Articles by: "Andrew Davies"
The deterrent value of submarines

I spoke on the subject of the deterrent value of submarines at the Submarine Institute of Australia annual conference yesterday. I was preaching to the choir with that crowd, but I’m often asked at public …

Bombing and civilians—then and now

There’s been a slew of criticism recently of Russian and Saudi bombing of civilian areas during Middle East conflicts. And there’s evidence that the Russian bombing campaign in particular isn’t going out of its way …

Interpreting the ASC split

Yesterday the Australian government (with the PM and three cabinet ministers in attendance) announced that it’s going to split ASC into three separate but still government-owned companies, to ‘support the key capabilities of shipbuilding, submarine …

Reviewing intelligence: send in the red team

By all accounts, there’s to be another review of Australia’s intelligence agencies in the near future. The ‘major independent review’ will be the third in 15 years and it’s variously reported that the focus will …

Army—getting ready to pounce?

The Australian Army did pretty well post-INTERFET, gaining two extra battalions and some new tanks and artillery. But today the Army has pretty much taken a back seat to Air Force and Navy in the …

The auditors get their teeth into the Tiger

There are plenty of ‘headline issues’ in the Australian national Audit Office’s new report on the Tiger Armed Reconnaissance helicopter. That’s not surprising, given that the government effectively gave up on the aircraft as a …

Bit by bit: China’s quantum cryptography system

I read Geoff Slocombe’s recent post about quantum computing with interest and, I’ll admit, a little skepticism. While there’s no doubt that practical quantum computing would represent a significant step forward in computing power, there …

The ephemeral offset strategy

As a long term critic of the ‘silver bullet’ approach to military capability development, Gareth Robinson’s recent piece on the Third Offset Strategy got me thinking. Given the wealth of technical capability and capacity within …