Articles by: "Brahma Chellaney"
The message of Islamist beheadings

Last month, an 18-year-old Chechen immigrant stalked, stabbed and decapitated history teacher Samuel Paty in a Paris suburb near the middle school where he worked. Soon after, a Quran-carrying Tunisian man beheaded a woman and …

The Quad sharpens its edges

The Quad, a loose strategic coalition of the Indo-Pacific region’s four leading democracies, is rapidly solidifying this year in response to China’s aggressive foreign policy. Following a recent meeting of their foreign ministers in Tokyo, …

China alone

In his most recent New Year’s speech, Chinese President Xi Jinping declared that 2020 would be ‘a milestone’. Xi was right, but not in the way he expected. Far from having ‘friends in every corner …

China’s five-finger punch

As the world struggles to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic, which first emerged in China, Chinese President Xi Jinping is pursuing his quest for regional dominance more aggressively than ever. From the Himalayas to Hong …

China is its own worst enemy

The global backlash against China over its culpability for the international spread of the deadly coronavirus from Wuhan has gained momentum in recent weeks. And China itself has added fuel to the fire, as exemplified …

How the coronavirus crisis was made in China

The new coronavirus, Covid-19, has spread to more than 130 countries—bringing social disruption, economic damage, sickness and death—largely because authorities in China, where it emerged, initially suppressed information about it. And yet China is now …

The illusion of a rules-based global order

When the Cold War ended, many pundits anticipated a new era in which geoeconomics would determine geopolitics. As economic integration progressed, they predicted, the rules-based order would take root globally. Countries would comply with international …