Articles by: "Brendan Nicholson"
Talking to the chiefs: Rick Burr (part 2)

The training and intelligence support the ADF provided to help Philippine forces drive the Islamic State terror group out of the city of Marawi demonstrated how Australia can back its regional allies, says the new …

Talking to the chiefs: Rick Burr (part 1)

New army chief Rick Burr encourages his troops to embrace a new sport with a deadly serious purpose: drone racing. Various types of small ‘copters and fixed-wing aircraft blast around obstacle courses and through rugged …

P.W. Singer: Adapt fast, or fail

The overwhelming speed of technological development means armed forces must change their approach to everything from who they recruit and train to how targets are attacked and how a nation defends itself. The warning was …

The Strategist Six: Jonathan Spyer

Welcome to ‘The Strategist Six’, a feature providing a glimpse into the thinking of prominent academics, government officials, military officers, reporters and interesting individuals from around the world. 1. The freeing of most of Iraq …

Brent Clark: The long, stealthy voyage has begun

The company building the Navy’s 12 new submarines says they’ll be the world’s first conventional boats big enough to effectively use the company’s pump jet propulsion system. French Naval Group Australia says that its propulsor will …

John Berry: ‘Defend your democracy’

Australia, the United States and other democracies must stand up to autocratic and increasingly aggressive nations such as Russia and China and protect their institutions against all attempts to undermine them, former American Ambassador to …