Articles by: "Carl Bildt"
The Armenian model for Belarus

With Belarusians taking to the streets in unprecedented numbers and refusing to be cowed by state violence, it is obvious that Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has failed in his bid to steal another election and …

Secular Turkey at a crossroads

By reconverting the Hagia Sophia into a mosque and holding celebratory prayers there for the cameras, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan seems keen to divert attention from the fact that his country is entering a …

How Europe can live with China

In an age of escalating tension between the United States and China, will the European Union still have room to manoeuvre in pursuit of its own interests? That will be a key question for EU …

Welcome to the post-American world

The first global crisis of the post-American era is here. The fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic will shape the world for years to come. For the better part of a century, the United States has …

The US and Iran are hostages of history

During the recent flare-up between the United States and Iran, US President Donald Trump tweeted that he was prepared to bomb ‘52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago)’. …

Which way for Europe on China?

Recognising that the European Union is facing a number of vexing challenges on the world stage, Ursula von der Leyen, the new European Commission president, has promised to lead a ‘geopolitical’ commission. Echoing this sentiment, …

Time to bite the bullet in Syria

Recent events in Syria have naturally raised two questions: Who lost the country? And where might the international community go from here? The first one is easier to answer. Looking back, Syria has probably been …

Ukraine gets its chance

Suddenly, opinion polls find that Ukrainians are more optimistic about their future than are citizens of most other countries. That will come as a surprise to many, given Ukraine’s manifold challenges. And yet it is …