Articles by: "David Uren"
A year of economic warfare

The world has witnessed the outbreak of economic warfare this year, quite unlike anything seen since the end of World War II. The machinery of economic sanctions, which has been honed over decades against minor …

The ballooning costs of the Ukraine war

The Ukraine conflict is exposing the massive costs that accompany a relatively small and contained war—one in which the military action is entirely confined to one of the poorest nations in Europe. Although Ukraine has …

The world’s energy woes aren’t over

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the immediate cause of the global energy crisis, but the seeds were sown by years of weak investment in fossil fuels, partly reflecting concerns over climate change. Before the war, …

A blockade of Taiwan would cripple China’s economy

China’s live-fire drills surrounding Taiwan over the weekend simulated an economic blockade, with Chinese forces positioned to halt access to the island nation’s main ports. Dozens of ships heading to or from North Asia were …