Articles by: "Graeme Dobell"
South Pacific thought bubbles: travel and TV

The thought bubble of a travel bubble for Australia and New Zealand is transforming from bubble into action. The official title is ‘a trans-Tasman Covid-safe travel zone’ but it’s gotta be the ‘travel bubble’. Bubbles …

Turnbull on Trump: dystopia and deals

Australia has a split policy ticket on Donald Trump—quietly horrified at his multilateral impact, yet quite satisfied with the bilateral relationship. Multilateral smash-up contrasts with relative bilateral smoothness. Canberra clings to the Trump administration while …

The evolution of Australia’s China challenge

Cascading wake-up moments have shaken Australia’s view of China over the past five years. The realisations—a succession of gee-whizz, crikey and oops events—have pushed Canberra to new places. The impact doesn’t amount to shock; this …

A positive South Pacific vision

Covid-19 and China challenge Australia in the South Pacific. Add in the category-five severe tropical cyclone that’s just pounded Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji and Tonga. The pandemic and the aftermath of Cyclone Harold constitute the …

The meaning of Anzac Day

In this time of Covid-19, Australia marks Anzac Day without dawn services and marches. Instead, a private ceremony will be broadcast from the Australian War Memorial. It’s another change in a unique Australian commemoration that’s …

Malaysia’s great political experiment

Southeast Asia is a wondrous experiment in comparative politics. Perhaps a galactic professor peers down, testing a spectrum of political systems, from the Malay Muslim monarchy of Brunei to the world’s largest Muslim democracy in …

The politics of the pandemic

Just as all politics is local, so Canberra is ever about politics (it’s the whole reason the place was built). Pandemic has smashed into Australia’s capital, remaking the dynamic and direction of politics. Normal politics …