Articles by: "Graeme Dobell"
Indo-Pacific summit and shadow

‘Between the idea And the reality Between the motion And the act Falls the Shadow’ — T.S. Eliot, ‘The Hollow Men’ T.S. Eliot offers a raging lament at what the 1919 Treaty of Versailles did …

Indo-Pacific: from construct to contest

‘Indo-Pacific’ has shifted from a geographic construct to an arena for mounting contest—and the label for a US strategy. The journey from construct to competition has been short and sharp. At the start of this …

ASEAN peers, picks and pokes at the Indo-Pacific

The term ‘Indo-Pacific’ reflects and frames surging strategic rivalry in the place we call ‘the region’. The Indo-Pacific becomes a controversial label attached to a power contest. As with any construct—political, social, diplomatic, strategic—it’s about …

Big yellow taxi departs South Pacific

Don’t it always seem to go That you don’t know what you’ve got Till it’s gone  — Joni Mitchell, ‘Big Yellow Taxi’ The international system is having a Big Yellow Taxi moment, as so elegantly …

ASEAN frets about rules and order

Yes to a rules-based system in the Indo-Pacific. But who rules, who writes the rules, and how fares the system? And yes to the reality of a rapidly evolving security order in the Asia–Pacific. But …

South Pacific security at Shangri-La

The South Pacific calls global warming its top security threat. And China’s arrival is warming discussion of island security. Both trends explain why, for the first time in its 18-year history, Singapore’s Shangri-La Dialogue had …

The Shangri-La defence dance

The Shangri-La Dialogue is speed dating for defence ministers. Singapore has just hosted the 18th annual version of this defence dance done with summit trappings. The 22 ministers were a sizeable grouping of stars. Then …

President ScoMo wins ‘miracle’ election

In Australia’s presidential-style election, the sitting president has amazed the nation—and himself—by winning. Scott Morrison expressed his own surprise at the start of his victory speech: ‘I have always believed in miracles … and tonight …

The silences of the Australian election

Election campaigns involve loud argument and quiet consensus—and then there are the silences. Silences point to hard stuff just offstage: no-go, too dangerous. For political parties, breaking the silence introduces complexity that tends towards tangled …

The destiny and duty of the Pacific pivot

Australia’s new South Pacific policy is set in place, no matter which side wins the election on 18 May. Labor and the Coalition entered the election with a unity ticket on Papua New Guinea, the …