Articles by: "Graeme Dobell"
Not the new cold war

Competition and confrontation build between China and the US. The era of engagement fades. Superpower rivalry returns. Great power challenges great power. The world’s biggest economy faces off against the second biggest. The descriptor of …

Strange and stressful days for Oz foreign policy

Seeing Australia’s foreign minister and their opposition counterpart arguing international affairs on the same stage is a rare thing. The federal parliament is the nation’s great clearinghouse for all arguments, but big set-piece foreign policy …

An angel coalition to save the world

Australia keeps getting listed among the nations that should form an angel coalition to the save the world as we know it. Or, perhaps, the world as we used to know it. Flummoxed, fazed and …

Pondering Trump: alarm versus pragmatism

The Australian government’s approach to the US under President Donald Trump is deeply pragmatic: hold tight to what we’ve got, get what we can, and don’t anger Trump. Loudly love the alliance. And if you …

Letter from America: Trump’s voice

Donald Trump’s language is limited, much like his store of ideas. The US president is a demagogue who rouses without rhetoric. A bemusing bit of Trumpworld is the small range of his rant—intense rather than …