Articles by: "Graeme Dobell"
The power of soft power

While Heisenberg proclaims the uncertainty principle, a public service inquiry operates on the certainty principle. Not for government, Heisenberg’s quantum insight about the impossibility of simultaneously measuring position and momentum; nor the observer effect—that to …

The hard part of soft power

Australia was grasping for soft power long before the term ‘soft power’ was invented. Here’s an official example from 32 years ago: Countries still achieve their international objectives by threat, bribe or persuasion. Australia has …

Fake news and weaponised media

‘Fake news’ approaches the 100th anniversary of its creation moment. The 11th of November marks the centenary of the end of World War I, the exhausted crescendo of the catastrophe that produced the modern craft …

Hello, 21st century, Australia calling

The review of Australia’s media reach in the Asia–Pacific is an orphan inquiry that has the chance to do great work. The responsible adults didn’t want the orphan, but they really need it. The Coalition …

The new abnormal of international power

‘When the balance of power changes, it is not the power we lose, but the balance.’ Florence Parly, French Minister for the Armed Forces, Singapore, 3 June 2018 The power balance wobbles and lots of …