Articles by: "Graeme Dobell"
Australia in ASEAN: Indonesian centrality

The roller-coaster nature of Australia’s history with Indonesia—high moments of great optimism, low periods of clash and argument—means that Indonesia’s foreign policy elite is cautious when contemplating the idea of Australia joining ASEAN. But it’s …

Extraordinary triangle: Australia, PNG and Indonesia

Q: Which neighbour is more different to Australia—Indonesia or Papua New Guinea? A: Impossible to say. As neighbours forever, Australia, PNG and Indonesia constitute an extraordinary triangle. The contrasts and clashes abound. Each neighbour is …

50 years of ASEAN: Australian membership

The evolution of Australia’s thinking about ASEAN has gathered enough pace that it’s now possible to propose a new Oz passion and purpose. Instead of constant pledges of engagement and partnership, Australia’s future in Southeast …

The ABC gets it wrong on its South Pacific service

The technical bastardry of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in degrading its shortwave broadcasts to the South Pacific has been starkly revealed. The bloody-mindedness helps explain the dumb decision to turn off Australia’s shortwave service that …

Shock at Trump, shrill at China

The shock of Donald Trump has prompted Australia to become shriller about China. Struck dumb by The Donald, Canberra can at least find its tongue about China. ‘Shock and awe’ is probably too grandiose a …

The deal and steel of the US in Asia

An Asia that doubted the strength and commitment of the US pivot now confronts a new White House songbook. The tune is ‘America First’. The words are, ‘Let’s make a deal!’ And Asia can’t yet …