Articles by: "Graeme Dobell"
Not Trans, not Pacific, not Partnership

Vale the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The TPP has shattered, or sunk, or just slipped away. The symbolism is a US retreat from Asia. Donald Trump is changing the way America’s substance is weighed by the region. …

From Pivot to hammer

‘If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.’ As the Pivot passes, Asia confronts a new President who seems to think all the US needs is a bigger and better hammer. …

The Pivot Trumped, Amexit looms

Five years ago this week, Barack Obama launched the Pivot. Thus, on its fifth birthday, the Pivot expires. This is an epitaph. The American people have decided and the Pivot is Trumped. Asia confronts Amexit: …

The mind of the Islamic State

‘We have finally reached the gates of Hell.’—Robert Manne’s final sentence in The Mind of the Islamic State. Australia has been at war with Islamic State since ISIS took Mosul in June, 2014. As Iraq’s …

Tides and eddies of Asia power shifts

In Asia’s slow-motion power shift, the Philippines has just lurched towards China’s orbit. Now to work out a sense of the import and meaning of the shift. President Rodrigo Duterte goes to Beijing to declare …

Oz strategists: 50 years of SDSC

Australia this year marked the 50th anniversary of three events that still influence the way we think about strategy and defence. Two of these 1966 events were US alliance biggies: The political and military embrace …

Oz Strategists: Des Ball (1947–2016)

Des Ball was an extraordinary Oz strategist in range and depth. Des, who died last week, was a virtuoso on global strategy, Asia–Pacific security and Australian defence policy. He worked at the highest level on …

Duterte changes the South China Sea tone

Rodrigo Duterte is a maddening, murderous maverick who’s achieved a weird feat in the South China Sea (SCS)—delivering benefits to both China and the United States. His swing towards China offers Beijing all sorts of …

China meanings in the South China Sea

International law has had its go at the waters of the South China Sea, and what a magnificent splash. The ruling from The Hague on 12 July was surprisingly definitive. As Mira Rapp-Hooper comments: ‘The …