Articles by: "Graeme Dobell"
Defence confronts the Media Age (part 1)

‘Electric circuitry has overthrown the regime of “time” and “space” and pours upon us instantly and continuously the concerns of all other men.’         Marshall McLuhan, 1967. ‘The traditional factors of production …

Australians claim Anzac Day

Today is Anzac Day, the 101st anniversary of the ANZAC landing at Gallipoli. Anzac Day has broadened its personal reach and become less overtly political or even geopolitical. The annual moment of memory has evolved. And …

The 2016 Defence White Paper: politics meets strategy

Canberra is where strategy and politics meet. Always to confer; occasionally to collide. Ever seeking conclusion—ever settling for compromise. In the politics and strategy games, cooperation and clash are constant companions. And Canberra is where …

Seven Defence White Papers by the numbers (1)

A Defence White Paper is analysis framed by numbers. More than dollars and equipment, the numbers offer meanings and mental maps. Seek the topography from the typography. The crudest measure is to rank countries by …