Articles by: "Graeme Dobell"
Why Australia should join ASEAN

Australia should join the Association of South East Asian Nations. And to promote this big call even higher up the mountain to be climbed, Australia will become a member of ASEAN. The ‘should’ and ‘will’ …

Oz–India: this time it’s different

  Worry about the sharemarket when cabbies offer hot buying tips. Quit the market when brokers claim: ‘this boom is different!’ The claim history has been defeated—‘This time it’s different!’—is ever an alarm. With that …

Sharks, crocs and Oz politicians

Australian has lots of nasty fauna. Crocodiles. Sharks. Spiders. Then there’s that dangerous, unpredictable species—the Oz politician, a breed that catches and kills its own, frequently and ferociously. Tony Abbott’s demise has prompted angst about …

Oz–India geoeconomics

If we wait for Australia and India to develop a common regional vision, we’ll wait forever. Some things will never happen. At least, though, the astigmatism that’s long afflicted the Oz–India ‘views’ of each other …

Oz–India: interests not just leaders

The differences between Australia and India will be bridged by systemic needs and policy problems, not by leadership will. Instead of leadership chemistry, the drivers can be the convergence of strategic interests and the great …

Oz–India: Commonwealth to Chemistry

The slow and stuttering course of the Australia–India relationship over the last 70 years has been troubled by the Curse of the Cs. The Cs are about what the two Indian Ocean states seem to …

Singapore and Oz: mismatched mates

Singapore and Australia have nothing in common but share much. No similarities, yet multiple places where interests and attitudes touch or chime. Geographically, they are mismatched mates: the nation with a continent to itself shares …

Australia’s Indo–Pacific understanding

Australia is re-embracing the Indo–Pacific as the defining geographic expression of defence strategy. The Indo–Pacific was the big new theme of Labor’s 2013 Defence White Paper, and it’ll have the same status in the Coalition’s …

India and the Indo-Pacific

Australia is offering India a renewed geostrategic embrace and an economic deal—notable efforts by Canberra to strengthen geostrategic convergence with India and to deepen geo-economic linkages. The bilateral effort with India feeds the regionalist understanding …

Singapore’s 50th birthday

A few days after kicking Singapore out of the federation in 1965, Malaysia’s leader Tunku Abdul Rahman had a news conference to discuss the traumatic political divorce. The avuncular aristocrat was typically chirpy as he …

The contents and contests of The Alliance 

Australia’s nightmare about the US alliance has two versions: home alone or crushed by the embrace. Opposing dreads: Oz abandoned versus Oz abused. For decades, home alone was dominant. Oz would call but Washington would …