Articles by: "Graeme Dobell"
Hard news and soft power in the South Pacific Australia has sent forth many outstanding journalists to spend their careers reporting on Asia. Sean Dorney stands with those correspondents but, uniquely, he devoted his life to covering Papua New Guinea and the South …

The Oz PM’s 10 points for meeting Jokowi

In the next few months, Australia’s leader will have four opportunities to spend quality time with Indonesia’s new president. Prime Minister Abbott can (will/should/must) attend Jokowi’s inauguration in Jakarta in October, following the precedent John …

Oz and Indonesia

When Australia thinks strategy, it quickly comes to Indonesia. So it was when the Howard Government was mulling the 2000 Defence White Paper. The National Security Committee of Cabinet was grilling the defenceniks: ‘If Indonesia …

What Indonesia and Australia share

Indonesia can direct Australia’s regional dreams or dominate its nightmares. Just as Papua New Guinea shapes the way Australia thinks about the South Pacific, Indonesia frames Australia’s view of Southeast Asia. In those key regional …

Muting Australia’s regional voice

Gutting Radio Australia and killing the international TV service is bad, sad and mad. Bad: Lopping 60% from the ABC’s international service is lousy for the national interest. A strategic asset in Asia and the …

The new relationship of Japan and Australia

Japan has quickly risen to become a defence partner for Australia that ranks beside New Zealand and Britain. Thus, Japan sits on the second tier, with the traditional Anglo allies, below the peak where the …

Japan and Oz—ready, willing and Abe

Australia is developing the habit of balancing an address to the Parliament by an Asia-Pacific ally with a matching speech by China’s President. The contentious words in that sentence are ‘balancing’ and ‘ally’, even if …

Asia, not Atlantic, for Hillary

A part of being a foreign-affairs tragic is believing any memoir by a modern US Secretary of State is interesting, no matter how flawed the book or the Secretary. This tragic ranks the autobiographies of …