The Strategist on: "Russia–Ukraine war"
The West must draw a red line for Russia in Ukraine

Mariupol is Russia’s theory of victory for its invasion of Ukraine. This strategy aims to break Ukrainian resistance by turning Ukraine’s cities into charnel houses through artillery bombardment and forcing the survivors into submission through a …

Putin’s revanchist excuses for going to war

What are the causes of Russia’s brutal war against Ukraine and why have they created Europe’s most serious conflict since World War II? The answer is in the mind of President Vladimir Putin, the only …

Russia must foot the bill for rebuilding Ukraine

While Russian troops in Ukraine have been bogged down, Ukrainian forces have started regaining territory. Ukraine’s Ministry of Defence issues daily reports on how many military assets Russia has lost. Three weeks after Russian President …

Europe’s return to the geopolitical jungle

In his 1960 book, Crowds and power, Elias Cannetti observed that paranoid autocrats who identify as ‘survivors’ will surround themselves with empty space so that they can see any approaching danger. The only dependable subjects …