Search Results for " japan submarine"
Reader response: control and diplomacy

Brendan Taylor provides an eloquent critique of Ben Scheer’s recent post, but I don’t think I can agree with him. In his desire to ‘soften’ his former colleague’s line on China’s recent actions in the …

ASPI suggests

Welcome back for our pick of the defence and security world’s articles over the past week and listing of interesting events. Navy and fleet sizes The US Navy has reduced its fleet requirement from 313 …

ASPI suggests

Here’s our short weekly collection of new developments, reports and events in the defence, NatSec and strategy world. ASEAN What are the challenges facing the new ASEAN Secretary General Le Luong Minh? Amruta Karambelkar looks …

Pivot 2.0

As we enter US President Barack Obama’s second term, one of the key strategic questions for Australia is what happens to America’s ‘pivot’ towards the Asia–Pacific. Announced in late 2011, it signalled a renewed US …

ASPI suggests

Here’s this week’s collection of new articles and reports in the defence, strategy and security world for your reading pleasure and some events to attend. Articles and reports If you’re interested in the changing nature …