Search Results for " japan submarine"
Australia’s submarines need east coast base

Launching ASPI’s latest special report, Submarines: Your questions answered, Peter Jennings interviewed retired admiral James Goldrick on the question of why the Royal Australian Navy needs submarines. The submarine’s great strength is the extent to …

How to make Japan great again

Japan’s new prime minister, Yoshihide Suga, has arrived with a suite of ambitious policy ideas, including plans to digitise government services and revive the country’s regional banks. But he has yet to come up with …

The strange submarine saga: strategy and nightmares

Submarines are a top-of-the-budget answer to a top-of-the-pile nightmare. The argument for subs lies within the fundamental call on any nation: defend the realm and protect the currency (proving the oldest-profession status of strategists and …

Japan’s geopolitical balancing act just got harder

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s unexpected resignation last month for health reasons has raised many questions about the legacy of the country’s longest-serving premier. One of them is whether his successor, Yoshihide Suga, will be …

The Japan Shinzo Abe leaves behind

Shinzo Abe’s sudden resignation on health grounds ends the tenure of Japan’s longest-serving prime minister. The country’s most internationally recognised statesman since 1945, Abe has been, among other things, the world leader most keen on …