Search Results for "Huawei"
ASPI suggests

The world On Tuesday, The Strategist revealed that Australian helicopter pilots had been targeted by lasers while participating in this year’s Indo-Pacific Endeavour in the South China Sea. Euan Graham, who broke the story, contextualised …

ASPI suggests

The world How good are elections? There’s been a lot of voting around the world so we’re dedicating a large part of this week’s ‘Suggests’ to those festivals of democracy. In Australia, Indonesia and India, …

Alliances and the malaise of the West

The geopolitical aspects of David Goodhart’s The road to somewhere have been raised by Paul Dibb. The changes taking place in domestic politics and societal norms in Europe and the US are likely to be …

The five-domains update

Sea state The Indian and French navies have begun the 17th iteration of their annual bilateral naval war exercise off Goa. Varuna 19.1/19.2 features two aircraft carriers, FNS Charles de Gaulle and INS Vikramaditya, plus …

The Strategist Six: Mike Rogers

Welcome to ‘The Strategist Six’, a feature that provides a glimpse into the thinking of prominent academics, government officials, military officers, reporters and interesting individuals from around the world. 1. It appears that the United …

The end of Chimerica

On the morning of 4 October 2018, US Vice President Mike Pence was invited on to the stage at the Hudson Institute to deliver what many assumed would be a typical forward-leaning speech on China. …