Search Results for ""amphibious operations""
Australian marines—what would they be good for?

A UK blog, the Thin Pinstriped Line, has produced a piece about the Royal Marines titled ‘The Corps huh, What is it good for?’ Given Australia’s considerable investment in amphibious capability, a discussion about the …

Reader response: Australia’s amphibious fleet

As a long-time amphibious capability advocate I welcome Andrew and Geoff’s piece but I think that it’s useful to distinguish between amphibious tactical operations, amphibious logistic support to land operations, and sea lift which requires …

Navy’s LHDs under the microscope

The Royal Australian Navy’s flagship, HMAS Canberra, has completed trials off the NSW coast to help engineers assess whether its mechanical problems have been caused by a serious design flaw or a less serious issue, …

UK Type 26 frigate: a cruiser by any other name?

Are modern-day frigates really cruisers, or is it just that the present-day needs of a frigate require the 6,000-plus tonnage of an old-fashioned cruiser? Alastair Cooper exchanged a polite broadside with ASPI’s Andrew Davies on …

DWP 2016: the future Army

The new Defence White Paper outlines spending of up to $80 billion on land combat and amphibious warfare out to 2025–26. In terms of equipment modernisation, the plans have focused on greater protected mobility, situational …

Too much of a good thing?

I had the chance last week to give a short presentation at the ADF’s Joint Warfare Conference. As a professional contrarian, I started my contribution with this: ‘Jointness is overrated. It’s a concept more valued …