Search Results for "antarctica"
The frozen continent: what’s news?

Apart from the pictures of our Antarctic icebreaker Aurora Australis having run aground near Mawson Station, Antarctica’s been out of the news in the last few months. But there’s been some interesting Antarctic developments. Our …

DWP 2016: the ADF’s peacetime roles

Last year, the Defence White Paper expert advisory panel set out to gauge public attitudes to Defence. The community made it clear to the expert panel, chaired by ASPI’s Executive Director Peter Jennings, that they …

Defence: advancing our interests down south

In a recent opinion piece with Tony Press, I mentioned that last November, an RAAF C-17A Globemaster delivering heavy lift cargo flew from Hobart to Australia’s Wilkins runway near Casey Station in Antarctica. The flight …

Sea, air and land updates

Sea State A report released by the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments has proposed basing a second US aircraft carrier in Japan. The report argues that a continuous presence of US naval assets will …

ASPI suggests

Yesterday marked 70 years since the US dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. Newsweek has a photo series on the commemorations, and the BBC tells the story of one survivor through a short animation. Here …

Gaps in the naval shipbuilding programme

Andrew Davies and Mark Thompson have pointed out problems with the Government’s recently announced $89 billion naval shipbuilding programme. In an earlier piece on naval shipbuilding, they thought the Government had ‘the tail wagging the …

ASPI suggests

Welcome back for another dose of defence and strategy links, this week coming to you from the ISCS–RIS conference on India and the Indian Ocean in Bhubaneswar, India’s ‘City of Temples’. Kicking off with the …

The Russians are coming. Not.

It’s always good to spend time in Indonesia immersing oneself in the local scene and receiving a different perspective on the world. I was there for two weeks—for both a defence technology exhibition and some …