Search Results for "governing the net"
Indonesia: strategic threat or strategic partner?

Does Indonesia pose a strategic risk for Australia? The answer might be ‘no’ if one looks at the recently released Australian foreign policy white paper. It argues that Indonesia—along with Japan, India and South Korea—is …

Happy holidays from The Strategist

That’s all from The Strategist this year. Starting on Boxing Day, we’ll be republishing some of our favourite posts from 2017, supplemented in early January by special coverage of the release of official Australian Cabinet

Will the centre hold?

The most important question facing the United States—and in many ways the world—after the events of 2017 is this: Will Yeats’ fearful prophecy that ‘Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold’ come true? Will it …

Talking to the chiefs: Andrew Colvin (part 1)

A revolution is needed in how the Australian Federal Police fights crime as increasingly tech-savvy criminals and terrorists outstrip the skills of law enforcement agencies, says the force’s commissioner, Andrew Colvin. ‘The environment is changing …

The Trumping of Cambodian democracy

Over the past year, Cambodia’s ruling party, the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), has dramatically increased its pressure on its political opponents and civil society. Democracy in Cambodia has always been fraught, and elections are not …

Emerging areas of terrorism in Southeast Asia

Terrorism-related deaths fell in 2016 according to the Institute for Economics and Peace’s 2017 Global Terrorism Index. It’s the second year in a row that deaths caused by terrorist acts declined. But while the number …

Australia and the US in the age of disruption

Australia and the United States enjoy deep historical links in the areas of law, the economy and defence. As we confront the challenges of the age of disruption, there are five policy approaches that will …