Search Results for " japan submarine"
Trump is in denial about North Korea

No one yet knows what deals US President Donald Trump may have struck with Russian President Vladimir Putin during their private two-hour meeting in Helsinki. But it is already clear that Trump’s self-congratulations for striking …

Aum Shinrikyo’s legacy of toxic terror

The execution of Shoko Asahara, the former leader of the Japanese doomsday cult Aum Shinrikyo, is a reminder of one of the most unsettling chapters in modern terrorism. Asahara, who was hanged last Friday alongside …

The art of the (bad) deal with North Korea

Is Donald Trump’s deal with Kim Jong-un towards ‘denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula’ falling off the tracks already? US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s visit to Pyongyang over the weekend certainly suggests that’s the likely …

Hunting for the reason—the new frigates

The 2016 Defence White Paper stated that the nine new future frigates will be ‘optimised for anti-submarine warfare’. According to the Turnbull government, they will be ‘one of the world’s most advanced anti-submarine warfare frigates’. It …

The morning after the summit before

The summit in Singapore between US President Donald Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong‑un finished with photo‑op fanfare and well-meaning handshakes and smiles. However, the Singapore declaration between Trump and Kim gives little confidence that a …

SEA 1000: Does the pump jet explain the size?

Brent Clark, now former CEO of Naval Group Australia, has joined the debate on the pump jet propulsion system. He follows Gerard Autret and Sean Costello, Naval Group’s Herve Guillou, Rear Admiral Greg Sammut, Andrew …

ANAO report misses the target

The ANAO report Naval construction programs—mobilisation released on 14 May is a worthy attempt to summarise the issues that must be addressed as Australia ramps up its huge acquisition program for offshore patrol vessels, frigates and …