Search Results for "governing the net"
Happy holidays, Strategist readers!

Thanks for joining us for a big 2015! The editorial team would like to thank all of the readers who’ve helped establish our blog as an informed source of opinion and analysis on defence and …

Twelve days at Anzac: the evacuation

Exactly one hundred years ago, one of the most remarkable operations in military history occurred at the Dardanelles with the evacuation in December 1915 of 83,000 Australian, New Zealand, British and Indian troops from the

We want to hear from you!

Dear Strategist readers, It’s been over six months since our blog had a facelift! We’re always looking to improve The Strategist so we would like you to let us know how we can keep delivering considered …

Silk roads, strategy and Landbridge

It’s puzzling that mixed messages appear to be the new preferred means of signaling our strategic intent. And it’s even more puzzling that the Australian government, grappling with the delivery of a new Defence White …

Indonesia’s haze crisis: more trouble ahead

The haze from land-clearing fires blanketing Sumatra, Kalimantan and peninsular Southeast Asia for the past two months has now extended to Papua, with the blame falling on an agriculture development project aimed at turning the

Australia and ASEAN

Graeme Dobell and Matt Davies have both written engaging contributions respectively for and against Australia’s possible future membership of ASEAN. I’m grateful to Graeme for presenting so cogently the arguments for Australia’s seeking admission. But …

Cyber wrap

Following up on last week’s cliffhanger, the Safe Harbour agreement was deemed invalid by the European Court of Justice. For the last 15 years, this agreement has allowed the transfer of EU data across the