Search Results for " japan submarine"
Oz election: internal, not international

Happy the democracy waging an election with little argument about foreign affairs and defence. The outside world isn’t pressing too hard. The threats are far off and chances are good. A democracy that dwells inward …

A New Zealand wolf in sheep’s clothing

It’s funny how the same document can be perceived so differently. In his demolition job on New Zealand’s latest Defence White Paper, Peter Jennings sees Wellington plumbing ‘new depths of vacuity’ in its ‘desperation to …

SEA 1000: why the French won

After all of the fanfare and chest beating on 26 April about how 12 submarines will be built in Adelaide: silence. By all appearances—or rather the lack of them—it seems that the Department of Defence …

ASPI suggests

With Donald Trump holding a few too many cards for comfort, The Washington Post is playing its ‘Obama nostalgia’ hand with a ‘virtual museum’ of the 44th Presidency. The masthead has released two ‘rooms’ so …

ANZUS in Trumpland

‘Alternative Futures’ is a methodology sometimes used in strategic planning, in which the robustness of current plans is tested against various hypothetical futures. (The RAND Corporation sometimes uses this approach—they used it to test US …

Cyber wrap

IT Security firm Symantec believes it has tied recent high-profile attacks against Asian banks using the SWIFT network to a North Korean group. Symantec has linked a piece of malware used in the attacks with …

ASPI suggests

Barack Obama will today make history as the first sitting US president to visit Hiroshima. The Atlantic has two photo essays: one looking at the modern city of Hiroshima and A-bomb survivors today; another juxtaposing …

Hiroshima with or without remorse?

The announcement that US President Barack Obama’s visit to Japan later this month will include a stop in Hiroshima is welcome news. Of course, Obama will not apologize for America’s 1945 nuclear attack, which annihilated …

The Strategist Six: Andrew Shearer

Welcome to The Strategist Six, a feature that provides a glimpse into the thinking of prominent academics, government officials, military officers, reporters and interesting individuals from around the world. 1. What are the prospects for deeper …

Mr Obama goes to Hiroshima

The White House announced last week that President Obama would visit Hiroshima later this month, making him the first US president to do so. He won’t be apologising for the US’s dropping of the atomic …