India’s Ukraine tightrope

Russia’s war in Ukraine has exposed India’s strategic vulnerabilities as few other things could, raising fundamental questions about the country’s position in the world, its regional security and the wisdom of its long-term relationships. India …

Policy, Guns and Money: International Women’s Day 2022

In this episode, ASPI’s Anastasia Kapetas, Daria Impiombato and Katja Theodorakis explore the nexus of climate change and gender, considering the official 2022 International Women’s Day theme, ‘Changing climates: equality today for a sustainable tomorrow’. …

StrikeMaster: a Bushmaster variant with a big bite

As Australia’s defensive focus switches to development of mobile missile systems to discourage any potential attacker, the highly successful Australian-designed and -built Bushmaster armoured troop carrier may be born again with a powerful set of …