The connectivity war

Many observers have long assumed that the future of geopolitics will be decided in a sea battle over the Taiwan Strait or some rocky outcrop or atoll in the South China Sea. Yet we could …

Perfect timing for ASPI’s Washington outpost

Think tanks are a familiar feature of the public-policy landscape in Australia, along with television epidemiologists and dyspeptic former prime ministers. But the idea of an independent, non-government institution, established specifically to study a particular …

New government signals a more daring Germany

After eight weeks of negotiations, Germany has a new government. For the Social Democrat Olaf Scholz, who succeeds Angela Merkel as chancellor, the much-anticipated coalition agreement augurs nothing less than a revitalised progressive Mitte, or …

Australia needs a sovereign ICT capability

Information and communications technology, encompassing digital services and infrastructure, cybersecurity and software, is ubiquitous throughout the economy and society. As the digital transformation gathers pace, the number and complexity of ICT services is accelerating. The …