Twilight of the Kims?

Nearly three years after his failed bromance with Donald Trump, North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is once again angling for US attention. North Korea has tested a new, high-tech missile and hinted that it may …

ANZUS and agency in regional security

A new ASPI special report, Sliding-door moments: ANZUS and the Blue Pacific, released today, canvasses important lessons from the 70-year history of ANZUS in the Pacific Island region* and how those lessons bear on Australia’s …

India’s standout COP26 moment

World leaders have now departed Glasgow after delivering, with a few notable exceptions, underwhelming climate announcements. If COP26 was the planet’s last best chance, leaders for the most part didn’t rise to the occasion. But …

AUKUS: looking beyond the submarines

The AUKUS agreement with the United States and Britain opens many opportunities to develop the Australian Defence Force in new directions beyond those detailed in the 2020 force structure plan. ASPI executive director Peter Jennings …

Is multilateralism a fig leaf?

International organisations are currently plagued by allegations of powerful states wielding undue influence over outcomes. These include recent revelations about Australia, Japan, Saudi Arabia and other countries pushing back against the United Nations on climate …

What drove the United States to AUKUS?

September was a dizzying month in Australian foreign policy, especially in the Australian–American relationship. In quick succession were the 70th anniversary of ANZUS, the announcement of the new AUKUS defence partnership, the annual AUSMIN consultations …

Why COP26 will fail

The United Nations Climate Change Conference better known as COP26 that’s underway in Glasgow might conclude with a big international agreement. But whatever tactical successes are achieved at COP26, the results are likely to mark …