Prudence over sustainability

‘Sustainability’ is an increasingly popular term used to signal one’s virtue in contemporary public discourse, but it’s a poor basis for sound public policy. It conveys a biologist’s view of the economy without any of …

Covid-19’s toll on Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is divided over its Covid-19 response. The virus has spread throughout the country since March and is now pushing hospitals to capacity in the nation’s worst Covid-19 surge so far, but a …

Predicting global conflicts

There’s a wealth of data on the history of military conflicts, which have caused many millions of deaths in the past century, but there’s comparatively little quantitative research forecasting the frequency and severity of wars. …

Alliance by Uber?

The multifaceted failure in Afghanistan and the AUKUS announcement have generated deep reflection in Australia and elsewhere on the reliability of foreign commitments made by the United States, and on the conditions attached to them. …

AUKUS can strengthen India’s strategic autonomy

The AUKUS strategic partnership of Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States has created a kerfuffle whose echoes have been heard from the Indo-Pacific to the Atlantic. Canberra is relieved, Beijing is enraged, Paris …

Saving Taiwan

China’s coercive expansionism may be taking its most dangerous turn yet. Recently, record-breaking numbers of Chinese military planes have entered Taiwan’s air defence identification zone, where the island’s authorities assert the right to demand that …

Transport’s make-or-break decade

Pick any sector of the European economy, and you will find a lot of companies cutting greenhouse-gas emissions. But, while sectors like construction, electricity production and agriculture now emit much less than they did in …

ASPI’s decades: ‘Uyghurs for sale’

ASPI celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. This series looks at ASPI’s work since its creation in August 2001. The most widely read study ever produced by ASPI is Uyghurs for sale:‘re-education’, forced labour and …