Naming names won’t stop abuse on social media

Yesterday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison lambasted social media platforms for enabling abusive and aggressive comments from anonymous users. Calling social media a ‘coward’s palace’, the prime minister said that ‘Cowards who go anonymously onto social …

India’s Taliban problem

In the weeks since the Taliban’s theocratic terrorists returned to power in Kabul, the people of Afghanistan, particularly its women and girls, have been subjected to unimaginable suffering as the world’s attention turns to other …

Enemy of my enemy: Iran and the Taliban

The Taliban victory and the American exit from Afghanistan have shuffled the pack in the region in multiple ways. Several of Afghanistan’s neighbours with major stakes in the country have reacted to these developments with …

AUKUS could help fill the gaps in ANZUS

What’s the essence of the US–Australia alliance? For the late Des Ball, it lay in close intelligence cooperation. Many would point to Article IV of the ANZUS Treaty, which commits both countries ‘to meet the …

Boosting space capabilities through AUKUS

The AUKUS partnership opens up new opportunities for promoting deeper information and technology sharing, integrating security- and defence-related science and technology, and building industrial bases and supply chains. In addition to the momentous decision for …

Is the US sleepwalking towards war with China?

As US President Joe Biden’s administration implements its strategy of great-power competition with China, analysts seek historical metaphors to explain the deepening rivalry. But while many invoke the onset of the Cold War, a more …

Regulatory compliance alone won’t stop financial crime

In the four years since AUSTRAC’s enforcement action against Australia’s largest gambling company, Tabcorp, anti-money-laundering compliance has been in the spotlight. There’s now much more awareness of how financial intelligence on child exploitation, organised crime …

ASPI’s decades: China’s cyberpower

ASPI celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. This series looks at ASPI’s work since its creation in August 2001. The list of 14 grievances issued last year by China’s embassy in Canberra had one point …

We’ll be back tomorrow

It’s Labour Day here in Canberra, so The Strategist team is taking a short break. We’ll be back tomorrow with our usual full schedule of strategic analysis and commentary.