ASPI’s decades: China’s cyberpower

ASPI celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. This series looks at ASPI’s work since its creation in August 2001. The list of 14 grievances issued last year by China’s embassy in Canberra had one point …

We’ll be back tomorrow

It’s Labour Day here in Canberra, so The Strategist team is taking a short break. We’ll be back tomorrow with our usual full schedule of strategic analysis and commentary.

China military watch

The careful selection by Chinese leader Xi Jinping of military officers for rapid promotion to key positions in the People’s Liberation Army may signal both a wish to consolidate the military behind him and a …

Designing an Australian DARPA

In The Strategist in July, we outlined our concept for an Australian equivalent of the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), mooted by ASPI. We envisaged this Australian version of DARPA filling the ‘valley …

Europe’s problems with AUKUS

The geopolitical story of the last few years has featured Western democracies’ gradual awakening to the realities of an increasingly ambitious and authoritarian China. European countries have gone from competing with each other to be …

Voters say goodbye to Germany’s status quo

The Greens’ strong performance in Germany’s federal election—though not as strong as the party hoped just a few short weeks ago—offers hope that the country will now finally start moving in a more promising direction. …

Integrating AUKUS into the Indo-Pacific

In its first comment on the new AUKUS partnership, The Economist said it represents the shifting of geopolitical tectonic plates. The defence implications for Australia and the regional and global geopolitical ramifications have been extensively …