Can Xi end China’s gilded age?

Within the span of a generation, a new super-rich class emerges from a society in which millions of rural migrants toiled away in factories for a pittance. Bribery becomes the most common mode of influence …

How to buy a submarine (2021 edition)

I’ll admit to being surprised when Australia announced the termination of the deal with Naval Group to build the Attack-class submarines. Not because I thought that shouldn’t happen—I’m on the record as saying that it …

Australia must work to salvage relations with France

Accusations of backstabbing. Cancelled meetings. Ambassadors recalled. You’d be forgiven for thinking Australia had committed a mortal sin against France. In reality, despite the characteristic French bluster, the change of direction on Australia’s submarines reflects …

America’s flawed state-building enterprise

‘Afghanistan was the ultimate nation-building mission’, former US president George W. Bush wrote in his 2010 memoir. ‘We had liberated the country from a primitive dictatorship, and we had a moral obligation to leave behind …

ASPI’s decades: Cybersecurity

ASPI celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. This series looks at ASPI’s work since its creation in August 2001. In the language of strategy and defence, the information space has become the battle space. Cyberspace …

Australia’s credibility rests on subs success

What a difference a day makes. On Wednesday, Australians wouldn’t agree to host storage facilities for low-grade medical nuclear waste anywhere in their states. On Thursday, they found out they were going to have nuclear reactors based …

Will AUKUS cement ‘Global Britain’?

In 1966, British Prime Minister Harold Wilson wrote to his Australian counterpart Harold Holt to explain that Britain would wind back its military deployments in the Asia–Pacific, reducing its presence ‘east of Suez’. Wilson told …

The Manchurian crisis revisited

Ninety years ago, on 18 September 1931, a junior Japanese military officer detonated an explosive that had been carefully laid by a Japanese-owned railroad near the northeastern Chinese city of Shenyang (then known in the …