ASPI’s decades: Leaving Afghanistan

ASPI celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. This series looks at ASPI’s work since its creation in August 2001. In October 2013, seven weeks after Australia’s federal election, the new prime minister and new opposition …

The big lesson from Afghanistan

After the chaotic, violent withdrawal of US, NATO and Australian forces and nations from Afghanistan, it’s time to consider the big lessons for Australia. The handwringing and hysteria about the durability of American power are …

Policy, Guns and Money: Seventy years of ANZUS

On 1 September 1951, the ANZUS Treaty was signed in San Francisco. ASPI executive director Peter Jennings speaks with Mike Goldman, chargé d’affaires at the US embassy in Canberra, about the importance of the US–Australia …

The Afghan tragedy and the age of unpeace

The images of desperate Afghans scaling the perimeter fence at Kabul’s airport in an attempt to flee Taliban rule provide a heartbreaking record of our geopolitical moment. The brutal way in which the West’s former …

ANZUS at 70: Extended nuclear deterrence

The extent to which the ANZUS Treaty turns upon the US provision of a nuclear umbrella to its smaller ally is a topic both complex and controversial. J.G. Starke opined that, while the treaty certainly …

What does social cohesion mean in Australia?

Our basis for thinking about social cohesion in Australia continues to be embedded in traditional multiculturalism. It is yet to catch up with the digital world where cyberhate, foreign interference and violent extremism thrive. Social …

ASPI’s decades: The war in Afghanistan

ASPI celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. This series looks at ASPI’s work since its creation. As ASPI was formed in August 2001, the first new war of the 21st century was only weeks away. …

Helmsman Xi takes China back to the future

The general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, Xi Jinping, has been inspired by his own scrupulously scripted celebrations of the party’s centenary in July to drive China back towards the future. He has moved …