Pakistan’s Taliban monster

The late head of Pakistan’s powerful Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency, Lieutenant General Hamid Gul, was fond of boasting that when Afghanistan’s history came to be written, it would record that the ISI, with the help …

ASPI’s decades: The contest of contestability

ASPI celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. This series looks at ASPI’s work since its creation in August 2001. ‘Contestability’ is a very Canberra word. It’s about the need to promote arguments. So the best …

So, where did Covid-19 come from?

The arrival of the novel coronavirus that causes Covid-19, which has killed 3.5 million people and counting, should have been the moment when the World Health Organization came into its own. This is its primary …

Global health governance from the grassroots

The World Health Assembly met last week amid a slew of proposals—most recently from the United Nations Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response—to create stronger, enforceable global rules for tackling future infectious disease outbreaks. …