Policy, Guns and Money: Africa Day

In this special episode for Africa Day, ASPI’s Lisa Sharland speaks to Kenya’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Martin Kimani. They discuss Kenya’s role on the UN Security Council, multilateralism via Zoom and counterterrorism. …

US pipeline hack exposes major vulnerabilities

Almost inadvertently, US energy security has been threatened by a ransomware attack which demonstrated dramatically how the consequences of such hacks are escalating. This one probably won’t be the worst, but it will change the …

Belarus hijacks Western complacency

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has once again demonstrated the lengths to which he will go to crack down on his opponents. On 23 May, he deployed a MiG-29 fighter jet to force down a commercial …

What’s beyond the F-35 for Australia?

The evolving debate in the US about the future of the F-35A joint strike fighter may open up new opportunities for the Royal Australian Air Force to take a radically different direction in its future …