ASPI’s decades: Asia–Pacific to Indo-Pacific

ASPI celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. This series looks at ASPI’s work since its creation in August 2001. Among strategists, geography is used in an effort to refine Australia’s strategic thinking and impose hierarchy …

What to do about Gaza

Gaza has long been one of those geopolitical problems that everyone wishes would just disappear. Israel, certainly, would prefer to seal off the Palestinian enclave—both from its own territory and from its collective mind. And …

Agriculture can drive infrastructure development in northern Australia

In the ASPI report ‘Thinking big!’: Resetting northern Australia’s national security posture, John Coyne outlines opportunities and challenges in realising northern Australia’s strategic potential for governments, institutions, and communities. One significant challenge articulated in that …

The case for a ‘disinformation CERN’

Democracies around the world are struggling with various forms of disinformation afflictions. But the current suite of policy prescriptions will fail because governments simply don’t know enough about the emerging digital information environment, according to …

The beginning of a new intifada?

The latest round of Palestinian unrest and the de facto state of war between Israel and Hamas is the most serious flare up on the Israel–Palestine front since the Israeli invasion of Gaza in 2014. …