China military watch

There’s rising concern about the prospect of a major military crisis erupting across the Taiwan Strait as a result of China’s intention to force Taiwan to unify with the mainland. President Xi Jinping suggested in …

The logic of US–China competition

In his recent address to the US Congress, President Joe Biden warned that China is deadly serious about trying to become the world’s most significant power. But Biden also declared that autocrats will not win …

Baltic states start to turn away from China

Over the past decade, China has made noteworthy strides towards drawing Eastern Europe into a web of cooperative relations. Through a cheque-book diplomacy approach, Beijing promised lucrative financial investments in the region. After the implementation …

The explosive reset of Czech–Russian relations

The Czech Republic has endured one of its most dramatic fortnights since the Velvet Revolution in 1989, following the government’s announcement that two Russian agents were responsible for explosions at a munitions depot in the …

Biden time: The first 100 days

Joe Biden has been president of the United States for 100 days, less than 7% of the time he was elected to serve. Still, it’s not too soon to draw some tentative conclusions about the …

ASPI’s decades: Strategy

ASPI will celebrate its 20th anniversary later this year. This series looks at ASPI’s work since its creation in August 2001. The name is the game: the Australian Strategic Policy Institute. ASPI thinks about strategy. …