Russia is astutely playing the players in Yemen

Since February, US President Joe Biden’s administration has clearly communicated its approach to the war in Yemen, and its policies exhibit almost complete continuity with its predecessor in practice despite some rhetorical differences regarding Iran. …

Putin’s sound and fury

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent annual address on the state of his country was so ostentatiously threatening as to sound reassuring. Not only did he forbid the West from crossing red lines, but he announced …

India’s Covid-19 tsunami

It is humbling when a columnist must retract his words soon after penning them. Just two months ago, after India rushed millions of doses of Covid-19 vaccines to over 60 countries, I praised the country’s …

The peaks and troughs of ANZUS at 70

Beyond defending Australia and New Zealand, the original purpose of the ANZUS alliance was to keep the US in, Japan down and China out. This aphorism reworks its original NATO context (keep the Russians out, …

We’ll be back tomorrow

It’s the Anzac Day public holiday here in Australia. That means we’re taking the day off from normal duties and will be back tomorrow with our usual full schedule of strategic analysis and commentary.