Biden must act quickly to salvage Iran nuclear deal

Former US president Donald Trump’s ‘maximum pressure’ campaign against Iran utterly failed to enhance regional or global security. His successor, Joe Biden, must not make the same mistake. The centrepiece of Trump’s Iran policy was …

India’s growing democratic deficit

In the Economist Intelligence Unit’s annual Democracy Index published in early February, the world’s top five democracies are Norway, Iceland, Sweden, New Zealand and Canada. North Korea sits triumphantly at the bottom. India is classified …

Humanity’s Covid test

With ‘vaccine nationalism’ intensifying by the day, the global effort to end the Covid-19 pandemic is at risk of faltering. As of mid-March, the coronavirus has infected approximately 120 million people globally, causing around 2.6 …

Has Netanyahu’s Iran gamble backfired?

Israelis will go to the polls on Tuesday for the fourth time in two years, with the future of their prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, hanging in the balance. Public opposition to Netanyahu has only intensified …

Beware the bear in the Pacific

In 2007, I was invited by the United Nations to address a regional conference on multilateral cooperation in Pacific Rim ocean governance. The conference was hosted by the Admiral Nevelskoy State Maritime University in Russia’s …

Turkey and Iran: frenemies in the Middle East

Turkish and Iranian interests coincide in the fields of energy and trade, especially because of Turkey’s dependence on Iranian oil and gas and Iran’s imports of Turkish goods. The two countries also align in their …