Semiconductors as a shield for Taiwan?

What keeps Taiwan independent? Ambiguous alliances and regular weapons purchases have so far acted as a powerful deterrent to Beijing’s desire to finally annex Taiwan into the People’s Republic of China. But Taiwan has another …

India’s smart vaccine diplomacy

As countries scramble to secure Covid-19 vaccines, ugly expressions like ‘vaccine race’ and ‘vaccine nationalism’ have entered the global lexicon. But, at a time when global cooperation in sharing vaccines is minimal, and the World …

Why TikTok isn’t really a social media app

There’s one thing we’re all getting wrong about TikTok: it’s not really a social media app. As TikTok Australia’s general manager told the Senate Select Committee on Foreign Interference through Social Media in September last …

Is nuclear peace with North Korea possible?

North Korea’s recent public displays of new intercontinental and submarine-launched ballistic missiles have raised fresh concerns about the risks the regime in Pyongyang poses to the US mainland. As President Joe Biden’s administration reviews US …