The Strategist top 10

It’s time for Australia’s second most hotly anticipated annual countdown. That’s right, the top 10 articles of the year as determined by you, dear Strategist readers, through your clicks. In a year dominated by the …

The end of liberal diplomacy?

On 11 December, President Donald Trump proclaimed that the United States would recognise Morocco’s sovereignty over the disputed Western Sahara, an apparent reward for the country’s decision to establish diplomatic relations with Israel. The move …

Australia’s security guarantee to Timor-Leste

Australia gives security guarantees to two nations that have land borders with Indonesia—Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste. The word ‘guarantee’ rightly makes Oz politicians, diplomats and lawyers cautious, even nervous: never say forever, never say …

Whose post-pandemic century?

In the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic, it was common to divide countries and their responses according to their political systems, with many attributing China’s success in controlling the virus to its authoritarianism. By …

The Middle East challenges awaiting Biden

It’s been a decade since the popular uprising known as the Arab Spring swept several Arab countries in pursuit of democratic societal transformations. Yet, of all the affected states, only Tunisia has remained on that …

Modi’s Potemkin democracy

Indian legislators woke up in the new year to two realisations. First, the annual winter session of parliament, from which they should just have been emerging, had not taken place at all. And, second, New …