Modi’s Potemkin democracy

Indian legislators woke up in the new year to two realisations. First, the annual winter session of parliament, from which they should just have been emerging, had not taken place at all. And, second, New …

Cabinet’s gift of independence to ASPI

Cabinet created the Australian Strategic Policy Institute as a small body with a big brain—and, most importantly, a strongly independent voice. Creation stories tell much. And the release of the cabinet records for 2000 by …

Australia chooses Apache as Tiger helicopter replacement

This morning, Defence Minister Linda Reynolds announced that the replacement for the much-troubled ‘Aussie Tiger’ armed reconnaissance helicopter (ARH) would be the Boeing AH-64E Apache Guardian. Australia will acquire 29 of the advanced Apaches from …

Europe after Brexit

The United Nations ‘was not created to take mankind to heaven, but to save humanity from hell’, the UN’s first secretary-general, Dag Hammarskjöld, once said. The hell he had in mind, of course, was World …

Shaping the America that Australia needs

Australia’s strategic outlook in 2021 holds both an unhappy certainty and a deep anxiety. The unhappy certainty is that China’s intent to punish us for failing to bow to its domination will continue and probably …

The brutal governance lessons of 2020

Covid-19 has offered some tough but useful lessons about governance. Many wealthy countries didn’t manage the crisis as well as anticipated, whereas many poorer, more populous and vulnerable countries exceeded expectations. The difference raises important …