Pompeo hits some bum notes in Indonesia

High-level visits to and from Indonesia in recent weeks have highlighted how differently major powers are playing the instruments of diplomacy to Southeast Asia’s largest and most consequential audience. Whether they have charmed or not …

Australia’s submarines need east coast base

Launching ASPI’s latest special report, Submarines: Your questions answered, Peter Jennings interviewed retired admiral James Goldrick on the question of why the Royal Australian Navy needs submarines. The submarine’s great strength is the extent to …

The rise of the Indian-American voter

Beyond the major headlines surrounding the US presidential election, a little-noticed development is attracting attention both in India and among American campaign strategists. The rising influence of the Indian-American community in the United States—though barely …

Government must release intelligence review

The recently published annual report of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) reveals mounting resourcing pressures on the committee’s ability to carry out its duties as well as uncertainty about its legislative …

A second Trump term would be a gift to China

For China, at least, US President Donald Trump is the gift that keeps on giving. His calamitous response to the Covid-19 pandemic has made China, whose government mishandled the initial outbreak in January, look like …