Australia needs a food-security strategy

A nation that can’t feed itself can’t defend itself. Yet policymakers fail to grasp that food security doesn’t just happen. Food should be recognised for what it is: a fundamental input to Australia’s defence capability …

Top secret cloud and AI loomerism

Intelligence and defence are now data enterprises, which means they are AI enterprises. The volume and velocity of data is well beyond human scale. To extract actionable insights, shorten decision loops and empower our spies …

Lessons from the US on dealing with arbitrary detention

Australia has an opportunity to improve its responses to foreign arbitrary detention by studying the extensive and permanent apparatus that the United States has developed. The Australian government last year established a special committee in …

Safeguarding Australia’s sensitive academic research

The advent of the AUKUS partnership heralds a transformative era in Australia’s strategic posture and scientific landscape, propelling us into the vanguard of cutting-edge research and development. However, this newfound prominence also exposes a critical …

Space operations in the deep black of xGEO

With the prospect of increasing human activity on and around the Moon in coming decades, there is growing defence interest in monitoring activity and operating in new regions of the space domain. Australia needs a …

Why young Europeans are embracing the far right

Progressives have long counted on young people to champion their causes. Just five years ago, young Europeans voted for parties advocating climate action, social justice, and democratic reform. But this may no longer be a viable political …