Australia needs a national centre for strategic warning intelligence

Even mindboggling actions typically have a logic that’s discoverable, whether Hitler declaring war on America after Pearl Harbor or Putin invading Ukraine. That’s why ‘strategic warning’—informed by ‘strategic warning intelligence’—is so important. Indeed, intelligence’s intuitive …

Defence needs more ministerial focus

Against a gloomy strategic backdrop and painfully slow growth in Australian military capability, the government’s critics are urging it to commit more money on a tighter timescale to the nation’s defence. Money certainly matters, but …

Taiwan’s exclusion from Interpol is the world’s loss

Politicking by the Chinese Communist Party has blocked Taiwanese membership of Interpol since 1984, preventing the timely sharing of criminal information and intelligence. The absence of Taiwan in the world’s largest international police organisation weakens …

A nuclear sword of Damocles in orbit

Russia is developing a nuclear-weapons-based anti-satellite (ASAT) capability, and the Western democracies must work together to prevent Moscow from deploying such a weapon. This will be an immediate and important challenge, testing the next US …

Putin’s latest stirring—in Asia and Europe

June has been a busy month for Russian President Vladimir Putin. In a speech at Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he outlined his terms for peace negotiations with Ukraine and proposed establishing an alternative international security system …

Scams are now a national security issue

Scams are no longer just a consumer fraud problem. While responsibility for scams in Australia primarily resides with regulators, sophisticated scams have become issues of counter-terrorism (CT) and transnational serious and organised crime (TSOC) that …

China must not choose the next Dalai Lama

As the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet, visits the United States for medical treatment on his knees, concerns over who will succeed him have become acute. While Tibetans around the world pray that …

Australia’s most pressing defence challenge: skills

The evolution of warfare in the 21st century has ushered in an era of cyber conflicts, artificial intelligence  and autonomous systems. Those technological advances have fundamentally altered the nature of military engagement, demanding a profound …

High noon at Second Thomas Shoal

China has identified the beleaguered garrison at Second Thomas Shoal as a weak link among the South China Sea features physically occupied by the Philippines and, by extension, the US-Philippines alliance. While Manila has held …