Building the integrated joint force

Building the joint and integrated ADF goes to the heart of how we must position the ADF of the future. My aim is to provoke discussion by proposing that we need to shift gears on …

Saudi Arabia holds the Trump card

Since President Trump’s visit to Riyadh last month, the events that have played out on the ground in the Gulf have exposed long-standing rifts between powerful Sunni monarchies that belie the simplistic logic of sectarianism …

Cyber wrap

Provocative quotes from the Emir of Qatar that recently appeared on a Qatar government website have been attributed to a Russian cyber attack. The comments, which expressed support for Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah and the Muslim …

Committing to an Australian defence industry

Labor has long held the view that a significant defence industry not only provides high end manufacturing jobs to Australians but also adds to our nation’s sovereign capability. It serves a strategic purpose. During the …

Reader response: Australia’s amphibious fleet

As a long-time amphibious capability advocate I welcome Andrew and Geoff’s piece but I think that it’s useful to distinguish between amphibious tactical operations, amphibious logistic support to land operations, and sea lift which requires …

Trump, it’s time to get smart

President Obama’s ‘rebalance’ to Asia was officially pronounced dead in March this year. Susan Thorton, the assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, stated: ‘I think you can probably expect that this …

The Strategist Six: Chen Yonglin

Welcome to The Strategist Six, a feature which provides a glimpse into the thinking of prominent academics, government officials, military officers, reporters and interesting individuals from around the world. 1. What do you believe are China’s …

Accidental friction on the Belt and Road

President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has caused much discussion about China’s vision for engaging the world economically. In many ways, it can bring ‘win–win’ opportunities for China’s economic partners, but there’s also …

Talking to the chiefs: Ray Griggs (part 2)

For the ADF to be a war winning force it must be fully integrated and accepting of cultural and gender differences, says Defence’s Vice Chief, Ray Griggs. Vice Admiral Griggs tells The Strategist the transformation …

The deal and steel of the US in Asia

An Asia that doubted the strength and commitment of the US pivot now confronts a new White House songbook. The tune is ‘America First’. The words are, ‘Let’s make a deal!’ And Asia can’t yet …

ASPI suggests

The ‘America First’ pendulum has been in full swing this week, as the President returned from his time abroad to stamp on the progress made by the Paris climate agreement and ask the Supreme Court …

The Strategist Six: Witold Waszczykowski

Welcome to The Strategist Six, a feature which provides a glimpse into the thinking of prominent academics, government officials, military officers, reporters and interesting individuals from around the world. 1. How concerned is Poland about the …