ASPI suggests

Hidey-ho, readerinos. Here’s a bunch of stuff that’s guided us through the action-packed week stateside: Politico calls in the big guns to grapple with the question of whether we’re approaching constitutional crisis territory; over at …

Australia and War To-day

Sometimes events move quickly. In December 1998, John Howard wrote to his Indonesian counterpart B.J. Habibie, suggesting that East Timor should vote on self-determination. Fewer than ten months later, Australia was leading a UN sanctioned …

Ballistic missiles and the ‘½ rule’

North Korea’s ballistic missile tests are indeed a roller-coaster ride. After a string of failures in its recent ballistic missile testing program, with some missiles failing almost immediately after launch, last Sunday it conducted what …

China’s PLAN—breaking out to blue waters

On 25 December 2016, the PLAN deployed its Liaoning carrier group beyond the First Island Chain for the first time, in what many considered to be a warning to Taipei after President Tsai Ing-wen’s phone …

Could Indonesia pose a future threat to Australia?

Following last week’s decision by an Indonesian court to jail the former governor of Jakarta—Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok)—for two years for blasphemy, we need to ask ourselves whether Indonesia is heading down the path of …

Cyber wrap

This week one of the largest ransomware incidents to date, ‘WannaCrypt’ or ‘WannaCry’, affected the operations of at least 300,000 machines worldwide, encrypting and locking victims out until a Bitcoin ransom equivalent to US$300 was …

The Strategist Six: Mark Binskin

Welcome to The Strategist Six, which provides a glimpse into the thinking of prominent academics, government officials, military officers, reporters and interesting individuals from around the world. 1. The ADF has been on operations overseas almost …

A cyber revolution on Russell Hill

The Australian Defence Force is on the cusp of a revolution as it prepares to reorganise for cyber-enabled warfare. The military cyber shake-up coming many years late brings big problems and some windfall gains. In …

France’s anti-populist populist

Democrats of all stripes have been celebrating the prospect that the pro-European centrist Emmanuel Macron—not the far-right National Front’s Marine Le Pen—will be France’s next president. But while Macron’s victory is good news, it does …

Intercontinental ballistic missile defence is futile

Australians need to face reality. There’s no viable defence against ICBMs fitted with nuclear warheads. If North Korea develops this technology it will have the capability to devastate cities in South Korea, Japan, Australia, the …

Changing course on the Korean peninsula

The Korean peninsula’s deservedly been labelled a ‘flashpoint’ for well over a half a century but flare-ups in tension appear to be happening more frequently. Under the Trump administration, Washington’s seemingly more inclined to allow …

From the bookshelf: the AIF in Battle

Generations of Australians have been told that the Australian Light Horse Regiments, which distinguished themselves from the Sinai to Syria during the Great War, were not Cavalry. They were Mounted Infantry. Jean Bou, an historian …