Cyber wrap

A flurry of activity on the cyber-policy front has accompanied the one year anniversary of Australia’s Cyber Security Strategy, which was launched by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on 21 April 2016. The Australian Cyber Security …

Planning for President Le Pen

After the United Kingdom’s unexpected vote to leave the European Union and Donald Trump’s unexpected triumph in the US presidential election last year, you might imagine that Europe’s chancelleries have developed detailed contingency plans for …

Pests slowing the Marine’s Darwin advance

Plans to rotate a potent 2,500-strong US Marine Air-Ground Task Force through Darwin for six months at a time may fall foul of Australia’s tough biosecurity regulations. A new report by the US Government Accountability …

Anzac Day 2017: learning from our past

Tomorrow is Anzac Day, the 102nd anniversary of the Gallipoli landings. The occasion presents us with an opportunity to consider how our history informs our understanding of who we are and what we’ve learned from …

A dumb Oz decision in the South Pacific

The decision of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation to end shortwave broadcasts to the South Pacific is a serious blunder, based on a shrinking, insular view of ABC responsibilities. The ABC should be embarrassed that 31 …

ASPI suggests

Ahoy, readers. First up this week, a look at the curious incident of the lost carrier battle group in the Asia–Pacific. Let’s be clear: this whole episode is whack. President Trump’s claim that the US …

Race, faith and Ahok’s defeat

After one of the most tumultuous campaigns in Indonesian history, the incumbent governor of Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) was soundly defeated by former Education Minister and academic, Anies Baswedan, in the second round of …

Can Macron march to victory?

The French presidential election race has rarely been so tight and so interesting. The four candidates (three men and one woman) who have a real chance of getting through the first round on 23 April …

North Korea: is war near?

Imagine that you’re on a quest. You’ve journeyed, wearily, for decades. The bones of your dead horses describe a winding trail in the wilderness behind you. You come at last to a cross-roads, from which …

The two faces of French populism

Will French voters have to choose between two extremes at their presidential election? In advance of the first round of voting this weekend, the fear that France will surrender to populism is significant, with far-right …

The second year of Europe

More than four decades ago, US National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger declared 1973 to be ‘The Year of Europe.’ His aim was to highlight the need to modernise the Atlantic relationship and, more specifically, the …

Cyber wrap

Today the Prime Minister will release the first annual review of Australia’s Cyber Security Strategy, which the PM foreshadowed in an op-ed for The Australian. The PM says that his government is ‘pleased with progress’, …

President Erdogan: Turkey’s uncrowned sultan

President Erdogan has achieved his long-cherished ambition to be acknowledged as the uncrowned sultan of Turkey. However, his goal has been attained at great cost to the country. Turkey is divided down the middle regarding …